I’m Monique, a mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, friend, and a bonus mom to a few! I am just a woman on a mission to get to the money. I am not only focused on money. I love learning new things. Hopefully, this journey will be full of knowledge and wealth! I have always said I want to be so financially stable. I aim to help others in need and people just down in this life at the moment.
I am not here to put on a show. I am here to be only me. I strive to be nothing more and nothing less. I have been told I have good energy. People find me so welcoming that they feel comfortable enough to start conversations with me. I can agree with that. I want to start this blog as a diary for myself and others who can relate to my life, stories, and adventures along the way.
Why I am starting a lifestyle blog
I hope that I can share knowledge to help someone along the way. I aim to motivate them to get moving and make this life worth living differently than ever before. In a GREAT way!! Some people will like me. Some people will not like me. It is not for me to decide or obsess over. I have a goal in mind and that is what my focus will be. No social media or internet side quests for drama will misguide me.
I just want to finish the mission. I aim to be a blessing to others as often as I can. I want to help in all aspects of the world. I want to have fun, meet people, learn, and share my little piece of this big world. I want to share knowledge as well as absorb any sent my way! I want to entertain and inspire.
Join me on my journey let’s do it together! “I just wanna be wealthy”… I know you do too!

Might be a long road, but I am excited and ready!