Self-care isn’t selfish and it is a must!
As a mom, I only recently learned to accept that self-care is absolutely necessary. This is especially true as a mom or any parent, for that matter. You must prioritize your own time. It may feel like you need to be doing something more important. This is INDEED important not only for you, but your family as well.
Moms need to be in good mental shape. They also must be physically able to handle the daily tasks of motherhood and fatherhood. It doesn’t have to be a day-long session or hours even. Just make time to love on you and I promise it will make a difference! Here a five ideas that can be less then ten minutes. Next time you think you have no time for you…remember this list and love yourself for just a moment!
Polish your nails. Polishing my nails always makes me feel cute and put together! It gives you that pretty feeling. It also provides time to think about anything that may need your attention for a few minutes as you paint.
I love to use sinful colors nail polish. The colors are nice and its budget friendly! Check it out if you need budget friendly polish. https://www.sinfulcolors.com/
Soak Feet. Who doesn’t love the feeling of the warm water on their feet. I love sitting in my chair and closing my eyes while my feet get some overdue love! my current foot tub is the Homedics Bubble Bliss Deluxe. https://www.homedics.com/bubble-bliss-deluxe-foot-spa. If you find that you got a extra 5 minutes to spare use it as an added bonus for scrubbing and exfoliating those feet too!
Delegate a Task. This one is pretty simple. Let someone else take on one of the many tasks that you have to get done. It can be your partner, an older child that is capable of getting it done. You don’t always have to do every single chore. If it will lighten your load and give you time to do something else then hand it off.
Go outside and get a breath of fresh air! Fresh air is beneficial in many ways. Fresh air can improve your mood. It can lower stress levels. It also boosts your oxygen intake. Just step outside the door for a few minutes. You will find that deep inhale is good for you.😊
Hydrate. Hydration is key to life. Grab yourself a bottle or glass of water and instantly get that surge of refresh and rehydration.
We should all try to make time for self-care it doesn’t have to take a lot of your time. Sometimes small things make a big difference in how we feel all around. We all have to prioritize ourselves for some self-love sometimes and that’s perfectly fine. Self-care is essential for our well-being and the lives of others we care for daily. Self-care is NOT selfish it is required!! You are worth it!