Ask yourself, “Why do I want to lose weight?”… TRUST me it really does matter!

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When we think about why we want or need to lose weight, it forms the foundation. This foundation guides how your weight loss journey will go. You have to try to start off with a strong reason to lose weight. You should truly aim to make it a reason that means a lot to you. This reason will keep you heading toward the goal.

Is better health the goal?

If better health is the goal, you have a solid foundation to start your journey. Your why is a great reason to pursue this path. Better health gives so many benefits and feel-good feelings! When striving for better health for whatever reason is amazing to me. Better health just gets you to a healthier state physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is like a packaged deal you get one and the other two are included for no extra fee! My health was my number one reason for losing weight. I decided I was tired of being overweight. I wanted to be around for my children for as long as I can.

I had two children after surpassing the “too old to have children” age. Much of my motivation lies in my wish to at least see my last two walk the stage and graduate! I also have two other strong motivators to keep going. I want to be around to meet my grandchildren, and to just look good for my age!!! LOL.

Is physical appearance your goal?

This was my number 2 reason for getting up and moving. I was tired of looking sloppy, my body was hurting, and I just looked liked a mess. I hadn’t worn nice clothes in a VERY long time. I kept saying I wanted to get my “summer body” before the summer. That was a big motivator for me starting and it kept me going strong for over a year.

Your appearance overall will change and get to where you want it to be. However, if physical appearance is your sole goal, you will spend more time planning workouts. You will need to ensure your workouts and regimes are timed out. They should focus on body areas and be shared equally amongst them as well. In contrast, if health is your primary goal, you can simply walk inside. You will lose weight without targeting a specific aspect and just drop the pounds.

You got this!!

Losing weight can be stressful, but only as much as you allow it to be. Weight loss takes a strong mind and strong willpower. I would never say it doesn’t. The hardest part for me was finally being ready MENTALLY to lose weight. Once I was mentally ready the physical was that much easier.

It was easier to start. It was easier to keep up on the exercise. It was easier to eat better. It was easier to count calories. It just was easier to deal with it all. Trust me when I say this line that I am sure you have heard time and time again… If I did it I know dang well you can because I loved to eat and sit around. At first, counting calories was a problem. Then my son bought me a Fitbit. Man, that just jump-started the calorie deficit help! I started with that watch and I now have an Apple Watch (HTTP:// that my daughter bought me!

Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS on

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